R.G. college the world leader in terms of excellence in education, research and to serve the nation in the 21st century
Vill-chakbakhari, P.O- madhopur Ram , Lalganj , Vai madarna Road ,Dist- Vaishali ( Bihar )
Mobile: +91 7549475000, 7549476000, 7549477000 Email:info@rgitvaishali.org principal.rgbedcollege@gmail.com
Address:Vill-chakbakhari, P.O- madhopur Ram , Lalganj , Vai madarna Road ,Dist- Vaishali ( Bihar )
Phone: +91 7549475000,7549476000,7549477000
Email: principal.rgbedcollege@gmail.com
B.Ed and D.El.Ed
Visitors: 131235
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